The Agriculture Network (AgriNet)

The Agriculture Network (AgriNet)

Operated by eFinance for Digital Operations on behalf of the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, AgriNet is a platform for the management of possessions in agricultural land, planning and management of seasonal crops. Since 2016, AgriNet has been rolled out across all 27 of Egypt’s governorates, digitizing more than 5,700 agricultural cooperatives nationwide. In 2021, AgriNet made important progress in its efforts to automate the agricultural tenure system, automating the smart farmer’s card issued by our sister company “eCards” on behalf of the Ministry. The Farmer’s Card simplifies the distribution of agricultural production inputs such as subsidized fertilizer while supporting the collection of accurate data on holdings of agricultural land and the types of crops grown. In 2021, eFinance for Digital Operations began to roll out digital payments for fertilizer and other inputs via Meeza-branded farmers’ prepaid cards.


Project info:

  • Ministry Of Agriculture
  • Egypt

Success Factors

0 MN
Agricultural Holdings Registered
1 MN
Fedans In Total
+ 1 K
Agricultural Cooperatives Integrated
1 MN
Multi-App. Farmer’s Cards Rolled Out