
A One-Stop-Shop for the e-payment Value Chain

eFinance is well-positioned to absorb climbing demand for digital services by providing differentiated channels and platforms that allow governments, businesses, and individuals to execute payments and collections through convenient and easy-to-use mediums.



A cutting-edge Comprehensive e-payment services captures the rapid rising demand for financial digital transformation, complimented with end-to-end solutions that enable governments, businesses, and individuals to execute payments and collections through simple and convenient means


We provide channel management as a service by operating multiple service outlets across the country. eFinance follows the latest retail management standards and trends to ensure customer satisfaction throughout the store visit.

eFinance Cloud

eFinance Cloud is a secure, resilient, and highly available multi-tenant cloud that tightly integrates all cloud components, including compute, network, storage, and security. eFinance Cloud is hosted locally in Egypt across 3 availability zones, providing customers in the region with unique and reliable cloud services